Entries by State Valley Dental

5 Frequently Asked Questions About Botox

As we age, we begin to see more wrinkles in our face. Wrinkles in the face are often caused by muscles that create lines when we frown, smile, and make other expressions. Botox is used to control these wrinkles to help maintain a more youthful, attractive face. Botox injections must be administered by a Cuyahoga Falls, […]

Benefits of Dental Implants for Oral Health

Have you been considering dental implants in Cuyahoga Falls, OH? While dental implants are often considered a purely cosmetic dental treatment option, implants can have many positive benefits for your oral health. Take a look at some of the ways dental implants can benefit your oral health below.  Improved Functionality and Bite Strength Dental crowns […]

What Happens After a Tooth Extraction?

Have a nagging toothache? Before asking your dentist in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, to pull that pesky tooth, find out what happens after a tooth extraction. It’s probably not as simple as you think. For instance, you can’t really leave an empty space behind because that could leave you susceptible to bone loss. And replacing an extracted […]

3 Things to Know About Maintaining Implants

If you’re missing a tooth, your dentist may recommend dental implants to fill the gap and restore your smile. Dental implants are a very popular type of prosthetic tooth because they look natural and they function much like your other natural teeth. Once your dental implant is installed, your dentist in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, at State […]

Have Questions About Veneers? We Have Answers

Dental veneers are often used in cosmetic dentistry to help patients who have problems like untreatable stains and misshapen teeth. Dental veneers can restore your smile and help you feel confidence in your appearance. If you’re interested in dental veneers, your dentist in Cuyahuga Falls, OH can help you decide if this type of product is right […]